Door 21
21 Dec. 2018

Moonstone Copper Wire Sun Earrings
Behind today's door, the day of winter solstice, we find these lovely sun symbol earrings. The 0.6 mm copper wire is formed by hand, and is surrounding two stunning 8 mm Moonstones. A tribute to our Sun's and Moon's cycles, and a new solar year.
Length (hooks included): 4 cm
Since earliest times, Moonstone has been a tangible connection to the magic of the moon - an amulet of protection for travelers, a gift of lovers for passion, a channel for prophecy, and a path to wisdom. Our ties to the moon are strong. As it waxes and wanes in cyclic perfection, it creates the tides and rhythms of our mother, Earth, and influences our behaviors, emotions and spiritual growth. Moonstone calms and encourages, teaching us the natural rhythms of life.
Shipping costs are calculated from both the size of the package and its weight.
The costs for shipping this item with standard priority mail (covered by the winner) is:
Within Norway: 26,- NOK
To Europe: 32,- NOK
To the rest of the world: 39,- NOK
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Rebirth of the Sun Goddess
In the 10th century skaldic poem Haustlöng, where Idunn´s abduction is described, the goddess is described as “The (singular) Lover of (all) the Gods”, the “Glorious Maiden Who Knows the Age Cure of the Aesir”, and, significantly to our drinking celebrants, the “Ale-Provider”. She is the goddess who brings eternal resurrection and rejuvenation to the gods, which they need in order to stay immortal.
In the Edda poem Hrafnagaldr Odins (Odin´s Raven Spell), st. 6, she is also said to be of elf-kind, just like the Sun, and her role as both old and young (sun?) is emphasized – and like all the stars of the universe, she is a seed of that universe – the Seed of Yggdrasil:
Dvelr í daulom——There dwells in the valleys
dís forvitin,———–a knowledge hungry goddess
Yggdrasils frá——–The Seed of Yggdrasil (the Universe)
aski hnigin;———–sinking down the Ash (the Universe)
álfa ættar————-of the lineage of Elves
Iþunni héto,———-her name is Idunn (Stream Returns to Source)
Ívallds ellri———-(She is) the oldest child of the Inner Ruler´s
ýngsta barna.——(and she is) the youngest child.
Apart from being the seed of the universe and one that returns cyclically to the point of origin, it is the elfin lineage that gives Idunn´s “secret identity” away – if not as the Sun herself so at least as one of the goddesses who inherited the essential attributes of the older Sun goddess: Further down, we will see that elves representing souls may have been important during the time that counted down to the Winter Solstice as well as during Yule. Then we should bear in mind that the Sun goddess was not only called Sól (Sun) but also Alfrödull – which translates as “Elf Shine, “Elf Splendor” or “Elf Wheel”. Thus she is the wheel or shine or splendor of the elves, which ultimately represented souls.
An association to the Sami Sun goddess is appropriate here, since the Sami goddess Beaivi Nieida, the “Sun Maiden”, was considered the source of all souls. The souls came to Earth as rays from the Sun Maiden, and were received by the Earth goddess Matahrakka, whose three daughters distributed and protected the souls when entering the wombs of female individuals. What an image it must have been to those who lived in this reality – a Sun whose rays were the vibrant, shining souls on their steady way to inhabit living bodies on Earth. And what a time of no-life it must have been, when the Sun failed to shine during winter, leaving space to the haunting souls of those who had already died.