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Door  18

18 Dec. 2018

Aluminum Name Bracelet

One size - slightly adjustable - aluminum bracelet with hand stamped letters at your choosing. 

Shipping costs are calculated from both the size of the package and its weight. 

The costs for shipping this item with standard priority mail (covered by the winner) is:


Within Norway:  48,- NOK

To Europe: 60,- NOK

To the rest of the world: 75,- NOK

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A julehefte (Christmas booklet) is a publication published before Christmas.



For centuries, Christmas has been a time for storytelling, humor and reflection. Important stories were transferred to the next generations orally, preferably around the fireplace in the evening. In 1817 the first printed Christmas booklets came out in Norway. The booklet was called "Christmas or a small collection of selected party and drinking songs", but the most Christmas books had religious content.

The first Christmas booklet for children "The Christmas Gift for Childish Minds" was published in 1845, and more than 70 years later came the first Christmas booklets as comics. These have since become a part of the Norwegian Christmas traditions, and are also enjoyed by most adults.

After the television came to Norway, the selection of Christmas booklets changed. Now there were many Christmas booklets based on popular TV shows, and there were more foreign and fewer Norwegian books. Only the most-featured booklets competed. In recent times, the interest in Norwegian Christmas booklets has increased, due to series such as Pondus and Nemi. So it's with a portion of Norwegian pride that Egmont this year launches 35 different Christmas celebrations, 16 of which are Norwegian! And this is just one publisher.


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2018 (C) Lisbeth M. Sandvik

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